
A blade of grass and the sunset

Posted on November 6th, 2013

This is one of my first shot with a DSLR. And I still like the colors in the picture. It’s a simple shot without any HDR or something else. I took my 300mm zoom lens and played around to get a nice bokeh in the background. At the moment I shoot the image the sun was already down and the sky was full of colors and with the long focal length and the fucused foreground, the sky becomes to a very smooth background. Nothing especially only an image of a blade of grass at the sunset.


Memories to a beautiful autumn

Posted on November 6th, 2013

Yeah, once upon a time in the past, were the autumn was golden and the sun was warm…sigh. Now we have heavy rain here in Switzerland and it gets colder. But hey, this means SNOW! And after the first snow caps the peaks of the mountains, I’m back in business for the next photo session.
I shot this Image last year with my brand new 85mm f1.4 Sigma and I love this lens, it has such a beautiful bokeh.
