
A chestnut

Posted on September 29th, 2014

Now it’s autumn and warm like newer before in the last quarter year. Yes, I didn’t use the the name of the past season, which has not deserved it.
If the weather is going on like this, then we get outweighed with a outstanding autumn. At the last weekend were a lot people on the road. They all wanted to use this beautiful weekend, because who knows when the weather will change again.


Beginning of autumn

Posted on September 23rd, 2014

Let’s the festival of colors begin, it’s autumn! Soon the leaves are getting colorful and the ripe fruits can be harvested.
And here the autumn is showing us his best side, bright blue sky. But unfortunately we get this beautiful weather only for a short time and tomorrow it will raining again. Therefore at the weekend we should get sunny and warm days. So: clean up your hiking boots, load your camera and go for it!


Beginning of autumn

Posted on September 17th, 2014

Today it was again a really warm day, like the summer would show us, he can do that, if he want to do this. But in one week it is official, then it will be autumn.
The summer clouds will then definitely replaced by the autumn fog, which hides already each morning the sun until noon. Also the days are noticeable shorter and while you are hiking you can hear the rustling beyond your feet, from the droughty leaves fallen of the trees.
This is it from the non-summer of 2014 after the non-winter of 2014. Now the weather can only getting better, so I thought last year too.


A fungous monday

Posted on September 15th, 2014

Okay, flowers are out. Now it is autumn and there are the sprouting mushrooms again. Allover in the wood you can find them.
And were the mushrooms are, there are also all the mushroom searchers not far. For me, it is too dangerous to collect mushrooms, you’ll never know what you have. Therefore I’m collecting the mushrooms only as images and resharing it virtually over the internet.
