
The colored cloud

Posted on Juni 11th, 2014

It was a sunny winter day, do you notice I’m dreaming about cooler days, where I was walking with my friend. You know, the small one with the furry breast. Anyway, I saw the deep standing sun und made some shots of the golden light and the blue sky.
What I didn’t see, was the rainbow like cloud in the sky. Do you see it? I read about it, it can happen, when the ice crystals in the clouds are breaking the light. But it was a nice surprise, at home on my computer, when I found it on the picture.


Da moon

Posted on April 21st, 2014

Today short and simple: our satellite also called moon. If you want to take some moon shots, do it in the evening. If you are too late, either the moon is blown out or the sky is pitch dark. I like to take moonshots early enough to get some blue framing and more beautiful are thin clouds around the moon. This kind of cirrostratus clouds mostly I hate like athelete’s foot, because at night especially with this bright moon, you will not see any stars only a white wall in the sky. But to shoot the moon, they are okay :)


Dark clouds over the wheat

Posted on Februar 27th, 2014

Mostly I’m too late for the right atmosphere, but this time I was at the right time at the right place! While sun was going down on my back, without any clouds, dark clouds where coming from the alps. It was so a dramatic lightning the deep standing sun together with the heavy storm clouds, it looks like a scenery for a horror movie.


The sun and the rain

Posted on Februar 7th, 2014

After another week of grey weather, I need more color in my life. So I poked in my archive and found this wonderfull spring image.
It was a rainy day and I came home from our weekly food shopping, as the clouds unexpected moved away and the sun spent her light over the landscape. I let my wife alone with all the shopping parts and run up to the nearly hill. And I was right there before the sun was away and could take this breathtaking photo.
I needed 7 images with 2ev steps to get the full dynamic in this scenery.
