
Time to say goodbye

Posted on April 8th, 2014

So, now it’s time for us to bid farewell from a friend who never was really here. He announced to come but then he was too busy elsewhere and let us stay in the rain. And that was the problem – rain. It should be snow but it was only rain.
But I give you another chance and you are allowed to come again at the end of the year, but come on time don’t come too early!
Therefore, have a nice stay in the south and c u later my friend winter.


Voting for more colors during wintertime

Posted on Januar 22nd, 2014

This image is a call for more color in this dull winter days. I mean nothing against winter, with full of snow. You can go for skiing and take some walks in sparkling powder or take a sledge and speed down a hill. But this… dark foggy days without light and snow. Temperatures to cold to going out but to warm for snow and there is only mud on the paths. Hey I didn’t order this! I want to make a change. Sigh, it doesn’t help, I have to go up to the mountains to see more snow and less fog or more precise to see the fog only from its upper side.
The only thing I have to say is: “DER BERG RUFT!!!” :)
