

Posted on Mai 22nd, 2015

Do you know that one funny guy who always want to be on a picture?
You maybe know that, you want to take an image of an awesome landscape and ‘whooosh’, there he is. You made an image of the dude you never wanted for. Photobombers are a major problem in the photography business. More often you have destroyed images of the photo bomber community guys.
And what I never thought, that my faithful companion Bubu is one of them! I was so shocked…
And I screamed: “Ey Bubu! Go away!” and he answerd: “Nana nanana…” ARGHH!!!


Cold Sophie and her fellas

Posted on Mai 17th, 2015

Driving 400km to the mountains and all I got is this.
Can you see the mighty peaks of the Wild Emperor Mountains in the background? Neither I could see it, all my five holidays long. It was really a bitter frustration to be the second time in the same area and again all days are covered with thick clouds or more better it rained.
The plan was to climb up to the Feldberg stay there in minimum the half night to shoot the impressive skyline of the ‘Wilder Kaiser Gebirge’ and the time was also right to see the milkyway, but the weather was planning it otherwise.
You know, the hope will die at least and so I will try it again.
