Trollstigen again
5. Juni 2014 Allgemein

Yesterday I showed you an image about the sightseeing stage. In fact the Trollstigen is not the metal stage but the way up to this awesome view over the valley.
But if the racer in you is activated by this view, be warned, you can forget it! Either there is a bus blocking the street or more worse there is a car driver from a flat country without any experience on a pass.
So happend to me, after I left a hairpin curve, he comes slowly upwards toward me and stopped in the middle of the road. Yes he stopped and waited, because he was afraid of the curve. On a street as wide enough were two busses can crossing, this guy needed the whole street and was blocked by Fear! (hehe). I had no chance and I had to drive backwards through the curve again.
And the moral of the story, forget to enjoy this wonderful pass road, there is always a handicap on the road!


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